Monday, September 6, 2010

The kids go back to school

I am a proud member of the PTA, an active coach in youth sports and a parent to 4 girls ranging in age from 5 to 16.  So, while it may not be politically correct - I strongly believe I am a great mother - even though I am current;y dancing the happy dance that the kids go back to school tomorrow.  How awesome is that?  Sure they get along, some of the time.  Sure we had a blast and made great family summer memories, some of the time.  And in all honesty - it is easier to be a wonderful parent when you only have to do it, some of the time.  24 hours in a day - just too much. 
I spent many days this summer with "Calgon take me away" ringing in my head.  And every commercial for a tropical island cruise seemed to be speaking directly to me.  I love my kids.  I love spending time with them.  Just not 100 percent of my time.
So, tomorrow school begins and I can't wait to take the first day pictures.  I can't wait to smile and wave as they head off to the bus.  I can't wait to head out for a coffee break at work and know exactly where they are and what they are doing.  Back to school and back to a little more sanity for us all.